

As I watch events being played out across the world stage, particularly what appears to be the increasing marginalization of America and the daily ratcheting up of the outcry against Israel to make even more concessions to those who would destroy Her, I am left with an ever increasing sense that time is short. It is almost as if the "birth pains" are now increasing in intensity by the day.

As the world looks on with dismay and perplexity, we as Believers need to focus our attention more and more on the "author and finisher of our faith," the Word, and the need to take inventory of those things in our lives that may hinder us from "running the race that is set before us."

And as we focus our attention on those things that are above and not on the temporal, may our Yahweh instill in our hearts a sense of urgency to redeem the time, that we may serve Him boldly and that our lives may in every way glorify the King of Glory.

Photo Gallery

Current Escalation March 2012
A rocket that fell in Be'er Sheva
Remnants of a rocket fired into Israel
Gaza rockets hits neighborhood in Be'er Sheva
Farm building destroyed by rocket from Gaza
Building damaged by rocket fire
Building damaged by rocket fire
Israeli rescue personnel care for a woman injured as a grad rocket from the Gaza Strip hits the southern city of Ashdod
Israeli rescue personnel care for a woman injured as as a grad rocket from the Gaza Strip hits the southern city of Ashdod,
Police engineers examine the site where a rocket landed in Ashdod
Car hit by rocket
Children take cover during rocket attack
Iron Dome lauches in defense of rockets fired into Israel
Iron Dome launches in response to rockets fired at Israel
Defense Minister Ehud Barak visits the Iron Dome anti-rocket defense system in southern Israel
Remains of a Kassam rocket is removed from site
Israeli children play outside a sewage pipe which is ready
to be used as a protective shelter in Nitzan, near Ashdod,
Site of Grad rocket impact in Netivot

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