

As I watch events being played out across the world stage, particularly what appears to be the increasing marginalization of America and the daily ratcheting up of the outcry against Israel to make even more concessions to those who would destroy Her, I am left with an ever increasing sense that time is short. It is almost as if the "birth pains" are now increasing in intensity by the day.

As the world looks on with dismay and perplexity, we as Believers need to focus our attention more and more on the "author and finisher of our faith," the Word, and the need to take inventory of those things in our lives that may hinder us from "running the race that is set before us."

And as we focus our attention on those things that are above and not on the temporal, may our Yahweh instill in our hearts a sense of urgency to redeem the time, that we may serve Him boldly and that our lives may in every way glorify the King of Glory.

Monday, September 17, 2012

With trumpets and the sound of the Shofar make
a joyful noise before the King, יְהוָֽה!  Psalm 98:6

Hallu  Yah
י ה   ה ל ל ו 

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Update From Sderot 9/1/12

I can't believe that it has been this many weeks since my last update. The summer here has simply flown by, with a whirlwind of activities and many visitors who came to bless us with their gift of serving along side of us. Our heartfelt thanks to each of you. For me it has been a time of growth and time spent in the Word.

As you can read below, the rockets from Gaza continue to break the fragile quiet. Nearly fifty rockets were sporadically fired at the cities of the southern Negev this summer. Rocket fire has increased this week as school here once again reopens.

For those of you who have asked about my next trip to the States, I will be back in October sometime after the Feast of Tabernacles. I look forward to seeing everyone again. In the meantime here is more about what has be going on here in Sderot.

Rocket Fire Once Again Increases As The Children Of Sderot Return Back To School

The first week of school was marked by three straight days of sporadic rocket fire in the South. Three rockets were fired toward Sderot on Sunday, the first day of school and three more on Monday. Two rockets damaged buildings in the industrial area and two people received medical treatment for injuries. As the week progressed a total of five rockets hit Sderot, including a home on Friday morning.

The Growing Threat Of War
The degree of concern being expressed in the media in regards to the “coming storm” this fall is greater than anything that has been aired to date. There are almost daily threats from the nations surrounding Israel. This week Hezbollah’s MP Walid Sakariya states that Iran’s nuclear program is designed to “finish off” Israel. The growing concerns about chemical attacks from Syria are only reinforced by published statements from the Syrian rebels that they have taken over a military base and have found missiles with “non-conventional warheads. The leadership of Iran continues to spew threats of genocide with increasing frequency.

New Pamphlet Issued This Week To Prepare The Israeli People
The new pamphlet was sent out this week by Home Front Command to homes across Israel. The favorite children’s TV character featured on the front cover is a sad reminder that Israel is a society that needs to teach its children to prepare for war. Additionally, the Home front command prepares medical personnel and the public with state-wide emergency drills. The increased threat of chemical attacks has caused Israelis this week to stand in lines across Israel in order to receive gas masks.

We have started to gather the necessary emergency items; drinking water, food, medical supplies. This week I gathered together supplies for a "first responders" box and have begun to discuss and develope a crisis plan within our family fellowship. I have to admit it feels somewhat surreal, much like being in the middle of movie as it races toward it's climax.

Thank you for allowing me to share. I am thankful that we are able to continue to bless and minister to the people here in Israel at this time. We give thanks to our Heavenly Father who continues to move in the hearts of His people to “stand in the gap” and support this ministry. Your faithful prayers and vital support are greatly appreciated. Todah rabah! May Yah bless and keep you…