Date: Mon, Mar 12, 2012 at 6:07 PM
Subject: Embassy Tel Aviv Security Message, March 12, 2012
Security Message for American Citizens regarding Travel in Southern Israel, March 12, 2012
Violence continues to occur along the boundary between Israel and the Gaza Strip. Terrorist groups fired rockets and mortars into Israel from Gaza over the weekend, and Israel continues to conduct military operations inside Gaza, including airstrikes. In the past, some rockets have traveled more than 40 km (24 miles) from Gaza and landed as far north as Yavne and Gadera and as far east as Beersheva. As a result of possible military operations by the Government of Israel in Gaza and the ever-present risk of rocket and mortar attacks into Israel from Gaza, U.S. government personnel travelling in the vicinity of the Gaza Strip boundary, including the city of Sderot, or traveling south of Beersheva, must make prior notification to the Embassy's Regional Security Office.
U.S. citizens in southern Israel should be aware of the risks and should take note of announcements by the Government of Israel’s office of Homefront Command at: U.S. citizens are reminded to exercise caution and take appropriate measures to ensure their safety and security while traveling in this region, and should monitor local news sources to find the latest information on the situation, as it can change unexpectedly.