Wednesday, November 21, 2012
Friday, November 16, 2012
Hope For Sderot Is On Facebook
Voices From Sderot
"Operation Pillar of Defense" Update
In preparation for a ground offensive the GOC has now issued road closures.
Road no.232
Road no. 10
Road no. 4, in the direction of Yad Mordechai. (If coming from a northern direction, turning left is possible in the direction of Be'er Sheba only, there is no entry to the part of the road that runs along the Gaza Strip.)
Thursday, November 15, 2012
Voices From Sderot
Although there have been some previous incidents of Gazans setting fire to themselves because of hardship, this is thought to be the first fatality.
The UN has been highly critical of the blockade on Gaza which Israel and Egypt tightened when Islamist group Hamas seized power in 2007, the BBC's Jon Donnison reports.”
You will note the non sequitur insertion of the UN sentence, this is designed to link in our minds the otherwise unconnected ideas of hunger, unemployment and blockade. The BBC is telling us a lie whilst telling us the truth.
I would disagree with the beeb, Hamas and Islamic Fundamentalism are the prime cause of the dire problems in Gaza, and also it’s painful consequences for the innocent people of Sderot who just want to get on with life. But the BBC obviously do not care for truth, they are, after all, a propaganda organisation, paid for by the people of the UK, but representing whom, we don’t know, maybe those that would want to rule for a thousand years.
"Operation Pillar of Defense" Update
Wednesday, November 14, 2012
11/14/12 "Operation Pillar of Defense" Day One
Israel has launched "Operation Pillar of Defense". I awoke this morning to the first reports from Israel indicating that it was at war. Because I am currently in the States, I called my contacts back home in Sderot, Israel to confirm what I was beginning to see from the ME news sites. Apparently, after weeks of increase rockets attacks aimed at innocent civilians who live in the southern districts, and a failed cease-fire, Israel has launched an air offensive.
Over and over again Israel has seen an escalation in rocket fire until the militants in Gaza need to restock or they believed that Israel's response was about to be ratched up. They would then attempt to negotiate a cease fire. Time and time again the rockets would continue during and after the cease fire was agreed upon. This past week while the lastest rounds of negotiations were being discussed, the terrorists in Gaza were smuggling more Grad rockets through the tunnels on the Sinai border.
Approximately 24 hours ago, and after the cease fire was agreed to, the terrorist fired five of those Grads at Be'er Sheva. That action led to Operation Pillar of Defense.
Prior to the round of air strikes that killed Jabari a senior Hamas operative who served in the upper echelon of the Hamas' command, citizens were given prior warning. IDF warnings and instructions were issued telling citizens that they should stock up on food, water, candles ect. and to remain in or near their safe rooms. Shortly after that the Israeli miltary reserves were called to active duty. The first of the air strikes began shortly after that. The PA has stated that Israel's actions are considered a "declaration of war".
I will continue to be in contact with those who are there on the ground and will be posting updates daily to the blog. Please join me and all those who stand with Israel in prayer. May Yahweh's shalom cover His people Israel.
Monday, September 17, 2012
Saturday, September 1, 2012
Update From Sderot 9/1/12
As you can read below, the rockets from Gaza continue to break the fragile quiet. Nearly fifty rockets were sporadically fired at the cities of the southern Negev this summer. Rocket fire has increased this week as school here once again reopens.
For those of you who have asked about my next trip to the States, I will be back in October sometime after the Feast of Tabernacles. I look forward to seeing everyone again. In the meantime here is more about what has be going on here in Sderot.
Rocket Fire Once Again Increases As The Children Of Sderot Return Back To School

The first week of school was marked by three straight days of sporadic rocket fire in the South. Three rockets were fired toward Sderot on Sunday, the first day of school and three more on Monday. Two rockets damaged buildings in the industrial area and two people received medical treatment for injuries. As the week progressed a total of five rockets hit Sderot, including a home on Friday morning.

Saturday, June 23, 2012
Escalation Of Rocket Fire In The South
Saturday, June 2, 2012
The Father’s steadfast love and faithfulness in our lives and the lives of those He allows us to serve is without end. There are so many times He brings someone to us with a need, and then provides that need through another source. Or we are given things that at first may seem like an odd donation only to have someone come to us requesting that very thing.
Last month at the storefront, a lady came in seeking help. Her husband is working, but with three small children it just doesn't stretch far enough. She had asked if we could help with some diapers and formula. Now diapers and formula aren't part of our regular items we distribute but we sure have been getting a lot of requests lately. It dawned on me the other day that all those children who were 11, 12, and 13 when the rockets first started in 2000, are now grown, married and having babies. The children of 2000 are now bringing the next generation of children into this war zone reality. Anyway back to the young mother asking for help. We now have about 5 or 6 young families we help out with diapers and formula when we can. As funds become available we purchase what we can and then make deliveries. Well the day the mother came in we had just gave out what we were able to buy that week so we had nothing to offer her, but told her we would help when we could. Later that afternoon, a truck arrived from a ministry in Jerusalem called Joseph Project. We were expecting some beds and chairs that we would distribute to those in need. Well there weren’t any beds or chairs on the truck, but instead a pallet of boxes. Our Father's love and concern for His children is so amazing. You guessed it... the unexpected boxes were filled with diapers. And of course, being able to share with this young mother (we called her that afternoon to come back in) that God loves her so much that even before she asked Him to help her that morning, the day before the truck was being loaded with what she needed. Praise Him!
About a week ago, a couple who live in the north contacted us because they wanted to give a donation to provide for some needy families for Shavuot (Pentecost). Now it was a Thursday and there was much to prepare for the double Shabbat that was quickly approaching. Not to mention the shopping and dinner to prepare for the Thursday night fellowship. There are times when we must put our carefully planned agendas aside in order to let the Father bless us.
So arrangements were made to meet with the couple, who had 1000 sheckles to donate and wanted to buy additional food for eight families. The couple later shared how they had collected the money by saving loose change for the past year.
So anyway, they go to the local market to buy eight each of the items we told them the people would appreciate. Meanwhile we get another phone call. It was a family who in the past chose life when faced with a pregnancy at a financially difficult time. At that time we promised to help in any way we could to relieve the burden of the expanding family. The father called because he had lost his job and the family had nothing for the holiday.
How amazing our Father is! He touches the hearts of a young couple over a year ago to save up. And right in His perfect timing He orchestrates it all, bringing together those that have to give and those that need. Then He allows us to share with both His great love and provision as we share the parts of the story unknown to those involved. Hallelujah!
I praise you for all your wonders and mostly for your great love. Help me to be an instrument that effectively broadcasts the story of your glory.
Tuesday, March 13, 2012
Update 3/13/12
Date: Mon, Mar 12, 2012 at 6:07 PM
Subject: Embassy Tel Aviv Security Message, March 12, 2012
Security Message for American Citizens regarding Travel in Southern Israel, March 12, 2012
Violence continues to occur along the boundary between Israel and the Gaza Strip. Terrorist groups fired rockets and mortars into Israel from Gaza over the weekend, and Israel continues to conduct military operations inside Gaza, including airstrikes. In the past, some rockets have traveled more than 40 km (24 miles) from Gaza and landed as far north as Yavne and Gadera and as far east as Beersheva. As a result of possible military operations by the Government of Israel in Gaza and the ever-present risk of rocket and mortar attacks into Israel from Gaza, U.S. government personnel travelling in the vicinity of the Gaza Strip boundary, including the city of Sderot, or traveling south of Beersheva, must make prior notification to the Embassy's Regional Security Office.
U.S. citizens in southern Israel should be aware of the risks and should take note of announcements by the Government of Israel’s office of Homefront Command at: U.S. citizens are reminded to exercise caution and take appropriate measures to ensure their safety and security while traveling in this region, and should monitor local news sources to find the latest information on the situation, as it can change unexpectedly.
Saturday, March 10, 2012
Update From Sderot 10/3/12
As most of you know, I have now returned to Sderot after spending a few months with family and friends in the States. I am thankful for all the opportunities I had to share and visit with family and faithful friends. You all made my visit very memorable. And of course, a special thanks to my host families for providing me with housing and friendship.
While I was in the States I had a wonderful opportunity to share over several weeks with a ladies group on Leviticus 23 and the Appointed Feasts of the LORD. The Appointed Feasts of the LORD are vital to the gospel message and understanding the Father’s plan of redemption. They were given to us by God so we could understand the coming Messiah and the role Messiah would play in redeeming and restoring both man and the earth. The Feasts were intended to place man into God’s time table; they help us understand His reckoning of time.
Now that I’m back in Sderot, I am busy catching up on the changes in the weekly distribution and the new computerized system of tracking everything.
The past 24 hours has once again seen an escalation in rocket fired into the southern region. At least 100 rockets- Kassams and the longer-range Grads- have pounded the southern region since Friday. As of now those living in the affected areas have been instructed to remain near safe rooms. According to the Ministry of Defense the current escalation is far from over and the operations will probably continue for another day or two.
“You are a hiding place for me; you preserve me from trouble; you surround me with shouts of deliverance.” Psalms 32:7